Get reviews on your Facebook page !

Here is the process:

  1. Go to IFTTT and Sign in or Sign Up
  2. Create a new Applet
  3. Click on "+this"
  4. Search and select "Webhooks"
  5. Click on "Connect" and "Receive a web request"
  6. Write "status" as Event Name, then click on "Create Trigger"
  7. Click on "+that"
  8. Look for "Facebook" and select "Facebook Pages"
  9. Click on "Create a status message"
  10. Click "Add ingredient" and choose "value1", "value2", "value3".
  11. In the "Status message" write:
  12. Choose "Create action"without changing anything

Congratulations ! You've created you first applet thanks to IFTT. You can now easily connect get Facebook reviews thanks to your Website API.

Now let's understand how it works !

IFTT, If This Then That, is a free web service that allows to create Applets. An Applet is triggered everytime an event happens on a chosen web service like Gmail, Instagram or Twitter. Webhook can be part of an Applet, it allows to trigger one or more services and transfer the information. IFTTT and its Applet can be added to a website or an app.

The Applet we created uses Webhooks and Facebook Pages. In this case, Webhooks aims to send an information collected on the website to redistribute it on the platform we chose, in this case, Facebook Pages.

More than creating the Applet, we need then to add code to use it on a website. For my part, I used Glitch to create the website.

Firstly we need to define the variables in a Javascript file:

  • On line 2, we call the button created in HTMl (see below).
  • On line 3, with your IFTTT that you can find here, we can link the applet to website.
  • For that, we have to call the EventName we created previously on IFTTT
  • The "url" variable on line 7 aims to trigger the EventName (status) thanks to the IFTTT key we add early on.
  • Then, we create the variables we want to show and link them to the values we defined in the Applet (value1, value2, value3).
  • To finish with, we call what we did before so IFTTT can run.

Secondly we have to detail the variables in HTML:

Here we called the variables named in the Javascript file so that it can be shown on the website.

So what's the result ?

Everytime somebody will come on this website, fill these blocks and click on "Post":

Each given information will be published directly on the linked Facebook Page like this :
For this case, find the result on this Facebook Page.

Want to know more ?

The Ultimate IFTTT Guide: Use the Web’s Most Powerful Tool Like a Pro
How to trigger multiple applets in IFTTT